Danny Burk, FnGravity Chief Pilot
Hello, I’m Danny Burk. I’m the CEO (“Chief Everything Officer” to borrow an expression that my friend Billy Hughes uses for himself) of F(n)Gravity. Here’s a little information about how F(n)Gravity was conjured up.
If you know anything about me, you know that my crazy professional history started with computer programming in the 1970s, followed by lawyering in the 1980s, followed by running a computer consulting services company (Compass Computer Services Inc.) in the 1980s and 1990s.
In the meantime in the early 1990s as a pure hobby, I earned my Private Pilot license. I went on to get my Instrument rating and then got my Commercial Pilot license. I’ve never used my piloting for commercial purposes, reserving my flying for my own fun.
Also since I was a little kid, I was fascinated with still and moving pictures. That love has followed me since then. I’ve even created some production videos for sale.
And finally, it’s time to merge all these loves do what I really love (flying and “filming”) to provide professional drone services. Knowing how the flying world works, especially in the crowded airspaces on the east coast, and knowing what it means to take excellent photos and videos produces technically great results in an environment I can’t get enough of. Finally!
What does F(n)Gravity do? Take a look at our services here.